Day 1

Today was my annual physical. I love my physician who is also a friend. She knows about my struggles with weight loss and also knows about the work I put into running. Today I begged her for help. I asked if I could try a prescription appetite suppressant. She gave me good advice about portion control and better eating habits (which I actually do 80% of the time).  I feel fortunate that she trusts me to be responsible in using a prescription weight loss aid.

So I now on Phentermine. 30mg. There was some confusion about taking half the dosage for 2 weeks when it comes in capsule form. I thought the pharmacist was going to give me 15mg capsules, but I ended up with 30mg. I took one at 11am.

Almost immediately I felt hyper, but in a controlled way if that makes sense. I hadn't eaten all day but I wasn't starving like I usually would have been. I ate a slice of pizza at Cheeseboard, half a salad at lunch and a large bottle of water. I smacked on half a cookie and for dinner a chicken thigh, half cup of brown rice and steamed green beans.

cw 216
gw 125
calories 860
